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Come and meet us

Logistics for consumer promotions

Campaign design: We put at your disposal internal benchmarks and the experience we’ve accumulated in 12 years of implementing  consumer and trade promotions.

Setup: 12 years of experience in writing contest rules; capacity to handle the notary authentication and the registering of the contest rules with authorities (National Authority for Supervising personal data processing).

Redemption capacity: 25 PO Boxes, 19 SMS short numbers (18XY, capacity to receive, validate and answer 1,000,000 SMS or web messages per day).


  • Infoline numbers and toll free numbers.
  • Capability to build and run promotion web sites (real time validation of previously generated unique codes).
  • Capacity to validate up to 10,000 envelopes a day.
  • Capacity to process (paper to electronic data) 10,000 envelopes or coupons per day.
  • Lucky draws: ability to manage complex lucky draws (database expansion according to number of chances per entry, complex system of validations, administration via SQL of very big databases), both electronic and manual (including the public notary and notary documents).


Logistics: 1000 sqm warehouse for prizes or gifts management, fulfillment and routing.

Promotion Info lines: up to 40 lines powered by professional scripts and FAQ databases.


  • Database services
  • SMS and Mobile Marketing
  • Fulfillment for direct mail and drop mail
  • Call center
  • Letterbox marketing
  • Email marketing

Current issue

October 2011


Education partners

Financial partners

National partner

  • By programmTrend of tomorrow

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