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Student statistics

Statistics about the students in Bulgaria and abroad shows that the total number of Bulgarian students who study abroad is about 80 000. Approximately this is the total number of students who graduate in Bulgarian secondary schools each year. There are about 274 200 students in Bulgarian universities who study in the country (Statistics from the National Statistical Institute - NSI).

international students, Bulgarian students, study abroad, international student recruitment workshops, students recruitment magazine, education policy 

There are about 22 800 Bulgarian students who studied in Europe three years ago. The number of candidates for studying abroad increased with 50% next year (2008 – 2009). Half of graduated students in Bulgaria chose to receive their education abroad. This is the period when Bulgarian students chose Great Britain. The number of the students in British universities increased three times for three years (2008 – 2011). 95% of them use loans to finance their education in Great Britain.

A large number of Bulgarian students study in Denmark, Holland, Germany. There are over 12 500 Bulgarians in German universities. The number of Bulgarian students in Germany is second after Chinese students in this country.

Around 4000 students studying for the last year in the United States and Canada, most of them choose to stay in these countries after their graduation.


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October 2011


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